
As we mentioned in “Anatomical Targeting - Part One”, a key tenet of Krav Maga is to attack whatever targets the opponent presents. The kravist learns to laser in on these anatomical targets of opportunity. Within the range of possible targets are anatomical points that yield especially effective results—maximum effect. Here are more of Krav Maga’s emphasized anatomical targets:

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  • The chin, jaw, and mouth. A blow to the chin can disorient an opponent by literally shaking his brain. A chin or jaw strike may result in a knock-out by rattling the brain against the skull wall and producing localized brain damage. In addition, the jaw is flush with nerve centers that are vulnerable to punches, palm heels, elbows or a head-level kick. The mouth is vulnerable to these types of attacks, too, but keep in mind that a mouth strike is likely to hit the teeth. By their nature, the teeth are sharp and can damage one’s fist, risking infection and blood poisoning.

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  • The ribs. These bones form a protective yet fragile cage around the lungs. A sharp blow such as punch, kick, or knee can break the ribs, especially the floating ribs that have no direct attachment to the sternum. Broken ribs are extremely painful and if a rib is broken with enough force it can puncture a lung.

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  • Small of the back. The central nerves of the body branch out from the base of the spine close to the surface of the small of the back.

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  • The kidneys. Located just above the small of the back, the kidneys are susceptible to damage from a blow such as a punch, chop, knee or kick. In addition to acute pain, kidney failure may result.

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  • The solar plexus. You can strike centrally above the navel and below the sternum to damage the liver or rupture the gall bladder, resulting in severe internal bleeding.

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  • The knees, elbows, and other joints. You can dislocate and fracture almost any joint in the body with a sharp blow or forceful counter-movement against the joint’s natural articulation. You can also manipulate joints to subdue one’s attacker.

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  • The thigh, shin, and foot. The top of the foot is especially vulnerable to a stomp with the heel, which may fracture many of the small bones. You can twist or break an ankle with a downward stomp, especially if the opponent is perched on the ball of his foot and the stomp is delivered to the Achilles.

Get even more detailed self defense training the way to want it. Check out David Kahn’s books, DVDs, and Mastering Krav Maga online training system!

Because not all Krav Maga is the same.™


Israeli Krav Maga: Ground Survival
