The following is a quick sample of the countless specialised seminars and programming we can provide. It's important to remember that NO two training programs are ever the same. We'll take into account your needs, objectives and the type of audience and custom craft training that's right for your needs and abilities. We have countless segments that we can train for your personal, and or employment self defense that include (but are not limited to):

  • Firearms/bladed weapons defense

  • Combat Women (Multi-Part Series)

  • Real estate agents

  • Youth; Tweens & Teens "0" Bully

  • Runners; cyclists & outdoor recreationalist

  • Kravathelet: Football; fighter prep; Contact sports and more

  • Schools & religious facilities

  • College campus life

  • Rape and sexual protections

  • LBGTQ and "hate crime" programming

  • Weight loss and fitness

  • Transportation specialists

  • Security specialists

  • and much more.



Future Fortress training and programming understands the growing fears and complexities that surround the security and well-being of secular and religious schools along with collegiate campuses. We've trained, police, military including special operations forces. 


Within that time we've constructed, tested and deployed training for (but not limited to):

  • Active shooter drills

  • Attack the attacker(s)

  • How to lock down and prepare

  • Defend a class, defend your life

  • Education of students and parents

  • Controlling the uncontrollable

  • Environmental awareness

This highly specialized seminar can/should be done at your facility in a live setting. Once we've reviewed your facility, sought stakeholder analysis and reviewed your staff information we'll create a custom program that you can use progressively – for your current and future growth. 

Child are the future – protect them with a fortress.

Real World Firearm Disarmament Programming

Israeli Krav Maga Firearm Disarmament seminar teaching essential defenses against the most common handgun threats including:

  • Deployment preemption

  • Frontal threats to the torso and head

  • Rear threats to the torso and head

  • Threats when with a companion or group

  • Active shooter takedowns


Advanced and expert seminars are available to security, law enforcement and military dependent upon need.

The goal of this multi day seminar is to introduce Israeli Krav Maga firearm defenses to both those new to krav maga and those with considerable krav maga or other self-defense experience. Firearm defenses must be optimized for the obvious reasons: don’t be severely injured or killed. The material presents the best practices to defend against firearm threats. 

By design, IKM weapon defenses are specific, and, yet, adaptable to handle the fluidity and unpredictability of combat. General principles are applied and customized to suit the needs of a particular situation. Each defense combines deflection-redirections, evasive actions, and simultaneous or near-simultaneous counter-attacks with extreme prejudice to incapacitate the opponent. Optimally, Krav Maga does not to allow an assailant to get the drop on you.

Certified Israeli Krav Maga instructors will guide you on how to training and walk the path of a safer life. You will learn practical and effective tactics to defend yourself both physically & mentally if ever put in a real life-threatening situation. Leave feeling safe, secure and empowered in your everyday life!

Contact us for more seminar programs, scheduling and specialized training.